Impresa Marino


American Garage Doors

American Garage Doors is your go-to expert for garage door services nationwide. We specialize in providing high-quality repair, installation, and maintenance solutions across the country. With a network of locations, we ensure prompt and dependable service, no matter where you are. Our team of knowledgeable technicians is dedicated to offering…

American Garage Doors

American Garage Doors is your go-to expert for garage door services nationwide. We specialize in providing high-quality repair, installation, and maintenance solutions across the country. With a network of locations, we ensure prompt and dependable service, no matter where you are. Our team of knowledgeable technicians is dedicated to offering…

JKR Pest Solutions

JKR Pest Solutions

American Garage Doors

American Garage Doors is your go-to expert for garage door services nationwide. We specialize in providing high-quality repair, installation, and maintenance solutions across the country. With a network of locations, we ensure prompt and dependable service, no matter where you are. Our team of knowledgeable technicians is dedicated to offering…

American Garage Doors

American Garage Doors is your go-to expert for garage door services nationwide. We specialize in providing high-quality repair, installation, and maintenance solutions across the country. With a network of locations, we ensure prompt and dependable service, no matter where you are. Our team of knowledgeable technicians is dedicated to offering…

American Garage Doors

American Garage Doors is your go-to expert for garage door services nationwide. We specialize in providing high-quality repair, installation, and maintenance solutions across the country. With a network of locations, we ensure prompt and dependable service, no matter where you are. Our team of knowledgeable technicians is dedicated to offering…

American Garage Doors

American Garage Doors is your go-to expert for garage door services nationwide. We specialize in providing high-quality repair, installation, and maintenance solutions across the country. With a network of locations, we ensure prompt and dependable service, no matter where you are. Our team of knowledgeable technicians is dedicated to offering…

American Garage Doors

American Garage Doors is your go-to expert for garage door services nationwide. We specialize in providing high-quality repair, installation, and maintenance solutions across the country. With a network of locations, we ensure prompt and dependable service, no matter where you are. Our team of knowledgeable technicians is dedicated to offering…

American Garage Doors

American Garage Doors is your go-to expert for garage door services nationwide. We specialize in providing high-quality repair, installation, and maintenance solutions across the country. With a network of locations, we ensure prompt and dependable service, no matter where you are. Our team of knowledgeable technicians is dedicated to offering…

American Garage Doors

American Garage Doors is your go-to expert for garage door services nationwide. We specialize in providing high-quality repair, installation, and maintenance solutions across the country. With a network of locations, we ensure prompt and dependable service, no matter where you are. Our team of knowledgeable technicians is dedicated to offering…
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Impresa Marino
12, V. Livraghi | 20126, Milano, Mi

Ulteriori informazioni di Impresa Marino

LImpresa Marino è unazienda individuale che opera nel settore dal 1982. Il titolare, il sig. Marino Maurizio, è idraulico ed elettricista e si occupa di riparazioni idrauliche in genere, installazione e riparazione di scaldabagni a gas ed elettrici e caldaie, impianti di riscaldamento, condizionamento e pannelli solari con manutenzione. Esegue impianti idraulici. Da sempre si occupa con professionalità  e specializzazione anche delle ristrutturazioni appartamenti, bagni, cucine, uffici con piastrellatura completa di rivestimenti e pavimenti bagni e cucine, con garanzia scritta decennale. Si rilascia il certificato di conformità  a norma di legge 46/90 e il sig. Marino Maurizio è tecnico qualificato del comune di Milano e provincia per il rilascio di allegati inerenti i controlli.

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Ultimo aggiornamento: 2017-08-31 05:30:52

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