If your home or business’ exterior surfaces are covered in dirt, grime, and buildup, it’s time to give them a thorough clean with our help at Tiki’s SoftWash. Our soft washing company cleans homes and businesses throughout Rancho Cucamonga, California, and we can clean everything from your roof to your foundation. Choose soft washing over pressure washing to gently clean your property’s surfaces while eliminating grime and buildup at their source for a longer-lasting clean. We want to tell you all about how soft washing can transform your home or business, so contact a Tiki’s SoftWash professional today!
Frequently Asked Questions
When was Tiki's SoftWash founded?
Tiki's SoftWash was founded in 2022.
Which days is Tiki's SoftWash open?
Open on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
What are Tiki's SoftWash main services?
commercial washing, commercial roof washing, exterior house cleaning, concrete cleaning, patio cleaning, exterior house washing, deck washing, roof washing, pressure washing, solar panel washing.
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