Massimiliano Bonne, born in 1974 in Italy, is an astrologer with a diverse background in philosophy, political science, and international relations. He has participated in astrological congresses since 1992 and resides in Brussels.
Beyond his academic pursuits, Bonne is passionate about astrology, viewing it as a tool for self-reflection and understanding potential future paths based on past experiences. His areas of interest extend beyond astrology, encompassing international relations, science and human evolution, ecology, and ancient wisdom traditions.
- Interpretation of the birth chart
- Transit analysis
- Solar revolutions
- Synastry
- Alchemic Astrology
- World or historical-political astrology questions.
- Interprétation du thème natal
- Analyse des transits
- Révolutions solaires
- Synastrie
- Astrologie alchimique
- Questions d'astrologie mondiale ou historico-politique.