Universal Service Logistic Ltda

Últimos negocios

Ramaekers Nutrition

Ramaekers Nutrition uses all-natural, organic, and safe methods to address disease challenges for all domesticated animal species. Our products help support your pet's immune system and health.

The Twenties Italian Bistro

The Twenties Italian Bistro offers a classic Italian dining experience with a modern twist. Enjoy a selection of traditional pasta, pizza, and other Italian favorites crafted from fresh, high-quality ingredients. Our cozy atmosphere and attentive service create the perfect setting for any occasion. Experience the authentic flavors of Italy at…

American Garage Doors

American Garage Doors is your go-to expert for garage door services nationwide. We specialize in providing high-quality repair, installation, and maintenance solutions across the country. With a network of locations, we ensure prompt and dependable service, no matter where you are. Our team of knowledgeable technicians is dedicated to offering…

American Garage Doors

American Garage Doors is your go-to expert for garage door services nationwide. We specialize in providing high-quality repair, installation, and maintenance solutions across the country. With a network of locations, we ensure prompt and dependable service, no matter where you are. Our team of knowledgeable technicians is dedicated to offering…

American Garage Doors

American Garage Doors is your go-to expert for garage door services nationwide. We specialize in providing high-quality repair, installation, and maintenance solutions across the country. With a network of locations, we ensure prompt and dependable service, no matter where you are. Our team of knowledgeable technicians is dedicated to offering…

American Garage Doors

American Garage Doors is your go-to expert for garage door services nationwide. We specialize in providing high-quality repair, installation, and maintenance solutions across the country. With a network of locations, we ensure prompt and dependable service, no matter where you are. Our team of knowledgeable technicians is dedicated to offering…

American Garage Doors

American Garage Doors is your go-to expert for garage door services nationwide. We specialize in providing high-quality repair, installation, and maintenance solutions across the country. With a network of locations, we ensure prompt and dependable service, no matter where you are. Our team of knowledgeable technicians is dedicated to offering…

American Garage Doors

American Garage Doors is your go-to expert for garage door services nationwide. We specialize in providing high-quality repair, installation, and maintenance solutions across the country. With a network of locations, we ensure prompt and dependable service, no matter where you are. Our team of knowledgeable technicians is dedicated to offering…

American Garage Doors

American Garage Doors is your go-to expert for garage door services nationwide. We specialize in providing high-quality repair, installation, and maintenance solutions across the country. With a network of locations, we ensure prompt and dependable service, no matter where you are. Our team of knowledgeable technicians is dedicated to offering…

American Garage Doors

American Garage Doors is your go-to expert for garage door services nationwide. We specialize in providing high-quality repair, installation, and maintenance solutions across the country. With a network of locations, we ensure prompt and dependable service, no matter where you are. Our team of knowledgeable technicians is dedicated to offering…
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Universal Service Logistic Ltda
Calle 6 D # 88 D 59 Int.3. Ofc.304 | Bogota., Nicaragua

Más información de Universal Service Logistic Ltda

Transporte Nacional de Carga.TRansporte Internacional de carga.Intermediacion aduanera.BodegajesAsesoria en Importaciones y Exportaciones.Compras en el exterior.Courrier.REF: PORTAFOLIO DE SERVICIOSEs un placer para nosotros presentar a UNIVERSAL SERVICE LOGISTIC LTDA, Agentes Internacionales de Carga, empresa constituida mediante escritura pública No.648 de Febrero del 2.002, identificados con el Nit. 830.099.387-1. * TRANSPORTE INTERNACIONAL DE CARGAEl éxito de la Comercialización Internacional y de la competividad dependen de la acertada gestión logística, en la distribución física de los productos desde que salen de la línea de fabricación hasta que llegan al cliente o consumidor final.Es por esto que nuestro objetivo principal, es brindarles el apoyo necesario en el manejo logístico de carga nacional e internacional, exportaciones e importaciones desde y hacia los principales puertos y aeropuertos del mundo, o lugares convenidos en la modalidades, aéreas, marítimas, férreas, terrestre y multimodal de acuerdo a sus requerimientos.Somos miembros de una red internacional de agentes embarcadores disponemos de un completo servicio logístico especializado en el manejo, desplazamiento de carga, almacenamiento de mercancías, conexiones, tránsitos , seguros, transporte Multimodal, OTM, DTA, y DTAI.*TRANSPORTE NACIONAL DE CARGATenemos el conocimiento para el transporte, almacenamiento y distribución de todo tipo de mercancías a nivel nacional, ofreciendo almacenamiento en bodegas seguras y de gran capacidad, buscando la satisfacción de el cliente final*ASESORIAContamos con personal altamente calificado, y le brindamos la asesoria técnica y operativa especializada en logistica internacional, transporte, sistema cambiario, normas aduaneras, re empaque, almacenamientos de mercancías. Para favorecer el desarrollo de las actividades de su empresa, y de acuerdo a sus necesidades atendemos  Te invito a que visites nuestra web para que puedas ver lo que te ofrezco: http://www.uslcargo.com

Dirección y teléfono de Universal Service Logistic Ltda Bogota.

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Última actualización: 2017-07-29 14:00:01

Información adicional de Universal Service Logistic Ltda

Categorías y rubros de Universal Service Logistic Ltda

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