P.U.H. Trans-Stal Transport-Spedycyja Paweł Staszak

Ostatnie biznes

United Rentals - Fluid Solutions: Pumps, Tanks, Filtration

The United Rentals Fluid Solutions team can handle your planned or unplanned fluid solution needs with the highest level of safety compliance and quality assurance. We rent electric and diesel-powered pumps, including for water, trash and mud; large bulk liquid storage tanks; dual-tank filter systems; oil and gas pumps; hoses;…

Little Caesars Pizza

Little Caesars Pizza is the largest carry-out pizza chain internationally. Visit our Website store locator for special coupon offers.

American Restoration Disaster Specialist

American Restoration Disaster Specialist, based in North and South Carolina, specializes in comprehensive disaster restoration services. Since 1971, they have been offering emergency solutions for water, fire, smoke, storm, trauma, sewage, and biohazard cleanup. The company is certified by IICRC & ICRA and boasts a team of highly trained technicians.…

Sea Tac Tire Company

Seeking to improve customer safety and vehicle dependability, technicians of Sea Tac Tire & Auto Tech seek to ensure customers can find trust in their repairs without high pressure sales tactics or unethical business practices. Locally owned and operated, Sea Tac Tire & Auto Tech opened their doors, aiming to…

Beggs Tire

Beggs Tire is your choice for auto repairs in the Albany, OR area. Since 1982, we've helped satisfied customers from Albany, OR, Salem, OR, Eugene, OR and Corvallis, OR with the auto repair services they need. If you need roadside assistance, dashboard light diagnostics, TPMS adjustments, or tire service, give…
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P.U.H. Trans-Stal Transport-Spedycyja Paweł Staszak
Nowiny 38b | 62-030, Luboń

Bardziej szczegółowe informacje na P.U.H. Trans-Stal Transport-Spedycyja Paweł Staszak

Transport ciężarowy o profilu specjalistycznym, przewóz ładunków i kontenerów, transport koparek, spycharek i ładowarek.

W ofercie posiadamy zestawy do transportu drogowego:
zestawy niskopodwoziowe, zestawy z HDS-em i dźwigi, zestawy dłużyca, zestawy uniwersalne, zestawy oplandekowane (mega).

Działamy na terenie całego kraju, wykonujemy usługi międzynarodowe. Siedzibę mamy w Poznaniu.

W branży transportowej jesteśmy od 30 lat.

Adres i telefon z P.U.H. Trans-Stal Transport-Spedycyja Paweł Staszak Luboń

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Ostatnia aktualizacja: 2018-03-09 06:54:22

Dodatkowe informacje: P.U.H. Trans-Stal Transport-Spedycyja Paweł Staszak

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