Trans Pomoc Joachim Fimmel

Ostatnie biznes

I-Sale Property

Unlock Your Real Estate Dreams with Brisbane's Premier Agent! Buy, Sell, or Rent – We Make it Swift and Profitable. Contact Us Now for a Complimentary Consultation and Discover How We Can Transform Your Property Aspirations into Reality. Your Trusted Local Expert.

Champion Homes of Mansfield, TX

Since 1964, Atlantic Homes in Claysburg, PA has been producing innovative and quality manufactured housing in the Northeastern United States. Every manufactured and modular home Atlantic Homes builds is professionally designed and engineered. Built by craftsmen in a controlled factory environment, our homes are continually inspected at every phase of…

Champion Home Builders - Navasota

Since 1964, Atlantic Homes in Claysburg, PA has been producing innovative and quality manufactured housing in the Northeastern United States. Every manufactured and modular home Atlantic Homes builds is professionally designed and engineered. Built by craftsmen in a controlled factory environment, our homes are continually inspected at every phase of…

Champion Home Builders

Since 1964, Atlantic Homes in Claysburg, PA has been producing innovative and quality manufactured housing in the Northeastern United States. Every manufactured and modular home Atlantic Homes builds is professionally designed and engineered. Built by craftsmen in a controlled factory environment, our homes are continually inspected at every phase of…

SRI Homes - Kelowna

About SRI Homes The first SRI factory (Shelter Home Systems), located in Estevan, SK began building homes in 1978. In 1985, the second SRI factory (SRI Regent), in Lethbridge, AB was acquired. Rounding out the Western Canadian factories (SRI Kelowna), the Kelowna factory began producing homes in 1992. To date,…


The Silvercrest secret As far back as its founding in 1969, Silvercrest’s success can be traced to one key ingredient: listening to our customers. During that time, here’s what they’ve told us they want. Experience More than half of Silvercrest’s workforce has at least 10 years’ experience. That experience adds…

Moduline Industries Ltd.

Moduline Industries is a leading builder of factory-built homes for western Canada. With more than 50 years of residential design and construction experience, we have built more than 50,000 homes. The company sells their homes through a network of independent retailers and builders in the following Canadian provinces – Manitoba,…

Champion Homes

Since 1964, Atlantic Homes in Claysburg, PA has been producing innovative and quality manufactured housing in the Northeastern United States. Every manufactured and modular home Atlantic Homes builds is professionally designed and engineered. Built by craftsmen in a controlled factory environment, our homes are continually inspected at every phase of…

Skyline Homes Inc

Skyline Homes of Sugarcreek is located in Sugarcreek, Ohio. Known for their fine craftsmanship and personal service, Skyline has been serving families and communities in Ohio since 1951. Skyline Homes is committed to building quality manufactured and modular homes at the very best prices and continues to provide home buyers…
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Trans Pomoc Joachim Fimmel
Buczka 71 | 62-030, Luboń

Bardziej szczegółowe informacje na Trans Pomoc Joachim Fimmel

Oferta naszej firmy obejmuje transport :

- Samochodów osobowych
- Samochodów dostawczych
- Samochodów powypadkowych
- Maszyn rolniczych oraz budowlanych do 4 ton
- Samochodów Zabytkowych na wystawy, zloty
- Holowanie z miejsca kolizji samochodu w każdym stanie
- Holowanie samochodów z niskim zawieszeniem
- Holowanie samochodów z urwanym kołem
- Transport maszyn, urządzeń, części oraz różnych ładunków wielkogabarytowy i nie tylko
- Transport przyczep campingowych quadów , motocykli, skuterów,
- Transport przyczepą łodzi oraz innego sprzętu motorowodnego
- Transport jednego dwóch a nawet trzech pojazdów jednocześnie
- Dowożenie paliwa do klienta.
- Awaryjne odpalanie (uruchamianie, gdy np. rozładował się akumulator) samochodów osobowych, dostawczych

Na wyposażeniu naszej firma są auto lawety 3 osobowe jak i 5 osobowe

Posiadamy auto zastępcze

Współpracujemy z warsztatami mechanicznymi, blacharskimi i lakierniczymi.

Długość najdłuższego zestawu najazdu na auto-lawecie 5,6m x 2,35m oraz lawecie 8m x 2,2m. Maksymalna łączna długość powierzchni do transportu to 13,6 mb .

Na terenie naszej firmy znajduje się parking na uszkodzone auta, oraz inne powierzchnie zadaszone pod wynajem lub przechowywanie różnego rodzaju sprzętu w tym opon oraz sa

Adres i telefon z Trans Pomoc Joachim Fimmel Luboń

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Ostatnia aktualizacja: 2019-02-28 06:13:38

Dodatkowe informacje: Trans Pomoc Joachim Fimmel

  • Dodatkowe komórkowe:
    • 690498930 (mobile)
    • 574242545 (alt)

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