Dakid Business Solutions Michal Banaszak.

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International real estate listings.

Where to promote a property on international markets?

Today to succedd in real estate business you have to promote company in multiple marketing channels. Great designed internet website, tv ads, adwords and listing services are absolutely "mus have". In every case every new client and every new transactions means lots of addtional money in company budget. That's why You should care about not only local clients and domestic one's but also international clients.

The most beautiful thing in international real estate listings is that when You sleep or showing other properties someone in the world is viewing actual offer of Your comapnie. What is more the cost of that kind of marketing activity is much more smaller that your potential profit from it. As you know as person from the realty business every new commision is a iteration of monthly marketing budget that company spent on advertisment.

The effective marketing on international real estate market provide also great advance on your daily business competition.

That's why in every real estate company is worth to advertise properties on international markets.
Thanks to additional marketing You can acquire new clients, improve Your company brand
and making new transactions. All that activity can be done by modern and advanced real estate lisitngs services. You don't have to learn how to programm, make remarketing settings and configurating compaigns.

To help You and to allow do this this we have created www.world-listings.com – brand new service that allow you to advertise properites world – wide.
In our service You can:

- create a listings with photos,
- place HD movies of your properties for sale (panoramic view or inside movie),
- add sponsored articles (500-10 000 words together with links and movies),
- advertise brand new development investments (text, photos, movies, and direct links),
- show clients direct location on te map,

Best listings are additionally promoted in our social media channels. Our company service is also adjusted to modern mobile devices like smartphones and tablets.

All listings can be placed in single way or company regular payment. All information about cooperation model with agencies and brokers You get get on our company page www.world-listings.com

Frequently Asked Questions
When was Dakid Business Solutions Michal Banaszak. founded?
Dakid Business Solutions Michal Banaszak. was founded in 2009.
Which days is Dakid Business Solutions Michal Banaszak. open?
Open on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
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