Centro Dimagrimento Biasca

Letzten geschäfte

Andrew R. de la Paz, MD

I am a non-invasive general cardiologist providing both preventive care and ongoing management of cardiovascular disease and comorbid conditions. I also have specialized expertise in advanced cardiac imaging including cardiac computed tomography (CT), nuclear cardiac imaging and echocardiography. I've always loved science, learning how things work, and working through the…

CDJ Enterprize Ltd.

CDJ Enterprize Ltd. is expanding. We offer many services, also own a few companies. For more info on what we offer please visit our website!

Mind Over Muscle Myotherapy & Remedial Massage

Dario is extremely committed to helping patients achieve their physical goals, whether it is targeted at pain relief or improving sporting performance. With the creation of exercise regimes, advice, mobility techniques, dry needling and other Myotherapy approaches, he is able to address the underlying causes of symptomatic pains and minimize…

Gravity Zero

¿Qué es Gravity Zero? En Gravity Zero, transformamos la fisioterapia utilizando tecnolo-gia avanzada y un enfoque personalizado. Ubicados en Ciudad de México, nos especializamos en el tratamiento del dolor crónico, lumbalgia, dolor de cuello, ciática y dolor de rodillas, con el objetivo de mejorar la calidad de vida de nuestros…

Chandler Design Group LLC

We are a veteran-owned Restoration company with 18+ years of experience in Both Residential and commercial Construction, as well as 5 years in the Insurance Mitigation and Restoration industry. We are your premier one stop shop for all your restoration needs. We are prepared and equipped to manage any Water…

1800 Clean USA - Cleaning Service

1800 Clean USA is New York City's ORGANIC home and office and retail hospital building cleaning service – Our expert staff provides cleaning using optional non-toxic, eco-friendly cleaning products and methods.
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Centro Dimagrimento Biasca
Via A. Pini 28 | 6710, Biasca

Weitere informationen von Centro Dimagrimento Biasca

Nel nostro centro, che si trova all'interno del Salone La Vie en Rose, ci occupiamo di dimagrimento con macchinari di ultima generazione e tecniche all'avanguardia come la radiofrequenza combinata a laser e vacuum per combattere cellulite, buccia d'arancia, perdita di elesticità delle pelle e criolipolisi per eliminare l'adipe localizzato con una tecnica che utilizza il congelamento delle cellule adipose per eliminarle in seguito in modo naturale dal nostro organismo.

Ci occupiamo inoltre di trattamenti per ringiovanire e curare il viso, come la radiofrequenza (effetto lifting) e la mesoterapia virtuale (fiale di principi attivi per viso e corpo) che porta in profondita il prodotto utilizzato per tutti gli inestetismi di pelle e corpo (acne, macchie, rughe, lassità cutanea, disidratazione..ecc).

Anschrift und telefon von Centro Dimagrimento Biasca Biasca

Gemeinsamer Beitrag
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 2020-12-27 16:45:18

Weitere informationen von Centro Dimagrimento Biasca

Unternehmen wie Centro Dimagrimento Biasca

Big Gym Fitness & Wellness

Pensiero positivo La vittoria, la sconfitta, il sudore, l'allenamento duro, il traguardo, la meta,...

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