Wayne A. Duffus, MD, joined the Division of Infectious Diseases in 2004 where he is currently an associate professor of clinical internal medicine. He graduated medical school from Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City in 1995, where he also earned his PhD in virology. After completing his residency in internal medicine at Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center, also in New York City, Dr. Duffus completed a research fellowship with the Centers for Disease Control's epidemiology branch in Atlanta and a clinical fellowship in infectious diseases at Emory University School of Medicine in 2002. He also served as an epidemic service officer for the CDC in Atlanta from 2002-2004. Dr. Duffus is the medical director for the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control STD/HIV Division and the AIDS Drug Assistance Program Pharmacy. In addition to patient care, he is the principal investigator for many HIV/AIDS and STD research studies.