Christian Office Cleaning, LLC
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Last time updated: 2/21/23, 6:22 PM
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Christian Office Cleaning LLC.
Mission: be partner with our customer to create time and opportunity for families to move out of government assistance program to a stable job and living the American dream.
1. Ethics and Integrity: Our foundation is the core value of our company. Trust and most meaningful long term relationships with our customers, partners, sub-contractor and employees.
2. Excellence and Quality in the Delivery of Cleaning Services: Our customer s goal is our goal. Provide quality and value cleaning services to our customers is the lifeblood, energy and financial which move our company forward. Always improve our cleaning services in any condition or situation.
3. Team Responsibility: COC LLC and partners, sub-contractor and employees are responsible for all their actions. We say what we do and we do what we say. We are one. We success together.
4. Honest Communication: A positive and thoughtful communication in a friendly working environment for customers, partners, sub-contractors and employees. Respect for the individual s idea and always communicate the truth.

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