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If you get searching, you'll find tons of hotel room booking sites online. Each one will pop up on your screen with a chic and opulent looking hotel room that looks perfect for your summer vacation. So you go ahead and click confirm. Feeling giddy on the inside?

But wait! There's a last minute change in plans!

Giving up that room is now your only choice but the cancelation fee is throwing your vacation budget haywire. What do you do? Hop onto FlipFlop-a hotel travel marketplace that gives you the opportunity to put up your room reservations for sale and save that hard earned cash from going to waste.

We are your premier site for hotel deals galore! Get online hotel booking offers from both, buyers and sellers. Find yourself hotel rooms on discount across the US.

You don't need to stress about accommodation with FlipFlop. Roslyn address and phone

Last update: 2020-07-06 10:47:22

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