Additional Hair Clinic
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8700 Georgia Avenue, Suite 403 | Silver Spring, MD, 20910
Last time updated: 2/22/23, 2:49 AM
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Fast, painless, non-surgical solutions for over 25 years, along with its exceptionally natural look, the lace front offers many other advantages. It is lightweight and therefore much more comfortable than the antiquated systems. You will be able to exercise and even swim with the lace front. When you emerge from the water, at the health club, beach, or from a friend's swimming pool, your hair will separate just like natural hair. And, the lace front is not necessarily more costly than any other hair system. Through the miracle of this latest technology, you can live your life with renewed confidence, knowing that you look your best. We feature the famous New Man¿ and Volu-Med hair systems for men and women:Hair Replacement, Hair Weaving, we service all type of attachments. Color Specialists, Cutting and Styling, Bonding, and Fusing.

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