Optima Publicitaria

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Shell Recharge Charging Station

Shell Recharge is a convenient and reliable out-of-home electric vehicle charging network. With more than 3,500 chargers, Shell Recharge offers a large public EV charging network in the US. Shell Recharge stations can be found at destination locations, including retail and grocery, select Shell gas stations, and on-street in select…

Shell Recharge Charging Station

Shell Recharge is a convenient and reliable out-of-home electric vehicle charging network. With more than 3,500 chargers, Shell Recharge offers a large public EV charging network in the US. Shell Recharge stations can be found at destination locations, including retail and grocery, select Shell gas stations, and on-street in select…

Shell Recharge Charging Station

Shell Recharge is a convenient and reliable out-of-home electric vehicle charging network. With more than 3,500 chargers, Shell Recharge offers a large public EV charging network in the US. Shell Recharge stations can be found at destination locations, including retail and grocery, select Shell gas stations, and on-street in select…

Shell Recharge Charging Station

Shell Recharge is a convenient and reliable out-of-home electric vehicle charging network. With more than 3,500 chargers, Shell Recharge offers a large public EV charging network in the US. Shell Recharge stations can be found at destination locations, including retail and grocery, select Shell gas stations, and on-street in select…

Shell Recharge Charging Station

Shell Recharge is a convenient and reliable out-of-home electric vehicle charging network. With more than 3,500 chargers, Shell Recharge offers a large public EV charging network in the US. Shell Recharge stations can be found at destination locations, including retail and grocery, select Shell gas stations, and on-street in select…

Shell Recharge Charging Station

Shell Recharge is a convenient and reliable out-of-home electric vehicle charging network. With more than 3,500 chargers, Shell Recharge offers a large public EV charging network in the US. Shell Recharge stations can be found at destination locations, including retail and grocery, select Shell gas stations, and on-street in select…

Shell Recharge Charging Station

Shell Recharge is a convenient and reliable out-of-home electric vehicle charging network. With more than 3,500 chargers, Shell Recharge offers a large public EV charging network in the US. Shell Recharge stations can be found at destination locations, including retail and grocery, select Shell gas stations, and on-street in select…

Shell Recharge Charging Station

Shell Recharge is a convenient and reliable out-of-home electric vehicle charging network. With more than 3,500 chargers, Shell Recharge offers a large public EV charging network in the US. Shell Recharge stations can be found at destination locations, including retail and grocery, select Shell gas stations, and on-street in select…

Shell Recharge Charging Station

Shell Recharge is a convenient and reliable out-of-home electric vehicle charging network. With more than 3,500 chargers, Shell Recharge offers a large public EV charging network in the US. Shell Recharge stations can be found at destination locations, including retail and grocery, select Shell gas stations, and on-street in select…
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Optima Publicitaria
Centro Comercial Zona 4 | Guatemala City, 01001

Más información de Optima Publicitaria

Somos un equipo especializado en Comunicación, Relaciones Públicas y Marketing. Proponemos soluciones innovadoras acorde a las necesidades de su empresa.
Relaciones Públicas: Coordinación para la ejecución de las actividades incluyendo su planificación, su desarrollo y el seguimiento necesario a las mismas.
Manejo de crisis, relación con la prensa, imagen corporativa, capacitaciones, comunicación interna, investigación, producción gráfica y audiovisual.

Monitoreo: Realizamos métricas y análisis sobre acciones específicas: lanzamiento de un producto, asuntos o personajes políticos, temas del momento, eventos deportivos, estrenos, activaciones de marketing, acciones publicitarias online.
MONITOR: podemos personalizar el reporte diario, semanal, quincenal o mensual, según los requerimientos del cliente. Todos nuestros informes son realizados por un equipo de profesionales que monitorean minuto a minuto todas las menciones.

Servicios diversos: Conferencia de Prensa. Maestro de Ceremonias. Amplificación de sonido diversidad de escenarios. Ferias, exposiciones, convenciones, seminarios, congresos y stands.

Elaboración de comerciales: Locución de comerciales para Radio y Televisión Audiovisuales, Info-comerciales, reportajes especiales, animaciones. Ofrecemos el mejor servicio en Estudio de grabación, producción y creatividad, grabaciones de comerciales y Jingles para radio y televisión.

Difusión en medios: TV, radio, prensa, revistas, vallas y material POP.

Dirección y teléfono de Optima Publicitaria Guatemala City

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Última actualización: 2017-02-22 15:30:25

Información adicional de Optima Publicitaria


  • Lunes: Siempre abierto
  • Martes: Siempre abierto
  • Miércoles: Siempre abierto
  • Jueves: Siempre abierto
  • Viernes: Siempre abierto
  • Sábado: Siempre abierto
  • Domingo: Cerrado

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