Ocean Gravity Dive Center Bali

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Nunez Consulting Group

Durante más de dos décadas, Don Hugo Nunez y Lourdes Nunez de Nunez Consulting Group se han sido conocer por su dedicación y pasión en ayudar y guiar a nuestra comunidad en Florida Central en asuntos de bienes raíces. Inversiones, consultoría inmobiliaria, o guía sobre deudas, muchas familias han confiado…
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Ocean Gravity Dive Center Bali
Jl. Bet Ngandang II No.21, Sanur, Kec. Denpasar Sel., Kota Denpasar, Bali 80227, Indonesia | Denpasar, 80227

Informasi lebih dari Ocean Gravity Dive Center Bali

Ocean gravity Bali is a dive center in Sanur that offer scuba diving courses, diving day trip and snorkeling excursion all around Indonesia. Our goal is to make discover the ocean to EVERYONE curious about the marine world. With the right instructor everyone can scuba dive and our diving teacher have the pedagogy to do so. We have a large panel of diving course (SSI and PADI) including many dive specialties to broaden your knowledge in scuba diving. For those that already licensed, you sign up one of our diving day trip around Bali. Snorkeling is also a good way to discover the marine life. Bali is the habitat of one of the most diversify ecosystem on the planet and to see that up close will be an experience for a lifetime.

Alamat dan telepon dari Ocean Gravity Dive Center Bali Denpasar

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Terakhir diperbarui: 2020-07-21 14:42:10

Tambahan informasi dari Ocean Gravity Dive Center Bali

  • Telepon Tambahan:
    • +6281916446481 (mobile)

Kategori dari Ocean Gravity Dive Center Bali

Ocean Gravity Dive Center Bali
Jl. Bet Ngandang II No.21, Sanur, Kec. Denpasar Sel., Kota Denpasar, Bali 80227, Indonesia | Denpasar, 80227
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