It's so good! イッツソーグッド


Josh Brooks Construction and Renovation

At Josh Brooks Construction and Renovation, we deliver building, refurbishment and general tradesman services for clients across the denver area. With a flawless track record in completing all types and sizes of projects to industry standards, we pride ourselves on our commitment to excellent construction standards. Whatever your trade-related job…

Raine & Horne Gisborne Real Estate Agents

As a fourth generation, and proudly 100% Australian owned family business, we’ve been at the forefront of real estate in Australia since 1883. We continue today with the same focus, culture and ethics that has helped build our reputation as an Australian Superbrand. Even with such long-standing tenure and history,…

Inovayt - Mortgage Broker & Financial Advisor Brisbane

Surrounded by the stunning Queensland architecture, spring Jacaranda blossoms and outdoor dining culture lies the Inovayt Brisbane team. We know how important it is to achieve your financial goals – both business and personal. Our team works hard to assist you with making empowered financial decisions that are as unique…

Luxe Cruising Group

We Create Unforgettable Experiences On Sydney Harbour. With decades of combined experience spanning the music, hospitality, and yachting industries, we’re making waves on Sydney Harbour – and our team knows exactly how to cater to your exact specifications. On our floating venues and private charters, we are crafting luxury experiences…

Universal Practice Malvern Rd

At Universal Practice we believe health is about the state of your whole. A philosophy that lies across all spheres of health, recognising the flow on affect of the mind, body and spirit. We respect the traditional academic medical model and draw inspiration holistically from nature and across cultures and…

Universal Practice Fitzroy

At Universal Practice we believe health is about the state of your whole. A philosophy that lies across all spheres of health, recognising the flow on affect of the mind, body and spirit. We respect the traditional academic medical model and draw inspiration holistically from nature and across cultures and…

Peregian Springs Real Estate

If you are looking for an exceptional, experienced and passionate real estate agent who specialises in the Peregian Springs area and is prepared to go the extra mile to help you achieve your real estate goals please give us a call, we look forward to hearing from you.
It's so good! イッツソーグッド
北九州市小倉北区竪町二丁目4-2 | 北九州市, 803-0818

情報 It's so good! イッツソーグッド

小倉北区でパン屋をお探しならJR西小倉駅より徒歩10分にあるIt's so good! イッツソーグッドへお越しください。
福岡県北九州市小倉北区にあるイッツソーグッドは、小倉城、勝山公園、小倉田町郵便局、サンリブ西小倉近くのパン屋・ベーカリーです。焼き立てのパン(フランスパン、菓子パン、ドーナツ、クロワッサン、デニッシュ、惣菜パンetc.)から、出来立てのサンドイッチ(フルーツサンド、惣菜系)まで約90種類以上のパンが並びます。ケーキやパンケーキのようなワクワクするこだわりのパンを豊富にご用意しており、モーニングやランチ、ちょっと小腹が空いたときにもおすすめです。当ベーカリーのパンは全て高品質にこだわり、添加物・マーガリンを一切使用せずに健康に気をつけていらっしゃる方でも安心してお召し上がりいただけます。当店の一番人気は、ほんのり甘くて、ミルクが香る贅沢な食パン「ミルク食パン」です。 高級小麦粉を使用し、仕込みに使う水分は100%牛乳のみを使用。バターは北海道産バターで、マーガリンは一切使っておりません。食べた食感はまるでシルクのようなきめ細やかさで口溶けの良い食パンとなっております。生でももちろんですが、トーストしてもサクサクで大変オススメでございます。そのほか、本格的な製法で作るクロワッサンやバゲットも人気です。当店のパンは全てオールスクラッチで、朝、粉から仕込んだ焼き立て・出来立てのパンを提供しております。随時新商品も販売しておりますので、いつ来ても新しい出会いが。小倉北区の竪町バス停より徒歩1分。小倉駅からも徒歩圏内です。観光地も多くあるので、お散歩ついでに近くに来た際はお気軽にお立ち寄りください。皆さまのお越しを心よりお待ち申し上げます。

住所や電話での It's so good! イッツソーグッド 北九州市

最終更新: 2023-12-03 21:33:11

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