Tilausravintola Porohovi

uusimmat yritykset

Shell Recharge Charging Station

Shell Recharge is a convenient and reliable out-of-home electric vehicle charging network. With more than 3,500 chargers, Shell Recharge offers a large public EV charging network in the US. Shell Recharge stations can be found at destination locations, including retail and grocery, select Shell gas stations, and on-street in select…

Shell Recharge Charging Station

Shell Recharge is a convenient and reliable out-of-home electric vehicle charging network. With more than 3,500 chargers, Shell Recharge offers a large public EV charging network in the US. Shell Recharge stations can be found at destination locations, including retail and grocery, select Shell gas stations, and on-street in select…

Hero House Cleaning

Hero House Cleaners connects you to the best cleaners in Knoxville Tennessee and surrounding areas so you can spend less time cleaning, and more time doing what you love.

Luna Venus Ranch Events

Luna Venus Ranch Events is the premier event venue in Palmdale, CA, offering a picturesque setting for unforgettable celebrations. Our versatile banquet hall and stunning outdoor spaces are perfect for weddings, quinceañeras, bachelorette parties, baby showers, corporate events, birthday parties, and anniversaries. Located in the scenic high desert, Luna Venus…

Pediatric Dental Club

As a board-certified pediatric dentist, Dr. Noam Greenbaum transforms appointments into a rewarding, educational experience for both kids and parents! Known for his unique blend of compassionate care and advanced skill set, Dr. Noam specializes in a range of services such as laser lip and tongue ties, special needs dental…
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Tilausravintola Porohovi
Ounasjoen Itäpuolentie 935, 96600 Rovaniemi | Rovaniemi

Lisätietoja Tilausravintola Porohovi

Konttaniemen Porotilan löydät luonnonkauniin Ounasjoen varrelta, vain 7 kilometriä Rovaniemeltä. Vuodenaikojen vaihtelu luo oman tunnelmansa Napapiirillä sijaitsevan tilamme elämään.Porot kuuluvat meidän elämäämme joka päivä vaikka viettävätkin osan vuodesta vapaana metsässä. Tule tutustumaan puolivillien porojen maailmaan.Vieraanamme tilalla pääset tutustumaan porotalouteen, sen historiaan ja nykypäivään. Talvella voit myös suorittaa poronajokortin. Meillä käydessäsi ylität samalla myös Napapiirin ja voitkin osallistua napapiirin ylitysseremoniaan. Tunnelmallisessa pirtissämme voit myös nauttia maittavan lounaan.Odotamme sinua vieraaksemme, tervetuloa!Konttaniemi Reindeer Farm is located along the naturally picturesque Ounasjoki River, only seven kilometres from Rovaniemi. Life on our farm enjoys a special atmosphere with the seasonal changes experienced on the Arctic Circle.Every day our lives revolve around reindeer, even if they freely roam the wilds for some parts of the year. You are welcome to come and meet these semi-domesticated reindeer.As our guest at the Reindeer Farm we will explore reindeer husbandry, its history and modern day. In the winter you can even pass a test to receive your own Reindeer Drivers Licence. When paying us a visit you will also be crossing the Arctic Circle and you can take part in the Arctic Circle Crossing Ceremony. Delicious meals are also savoured in the atmosphere-rich lodge.We look forward to welcoming you!

Tilausravintola Porohovi Rovaniemi osoite ja puhelinnumero

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Viimeisin päivitys: 2017-04-21 13:29:05

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