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Best forwarding near me in Uganda
Uca Building Ground Floor Rm. 15plot 47/49, Nkruma | Kampala, Box 4481
Plot 17th Street Industrial Area Kampala | Kampala, Box 2301
Plot 11lubas Road Jinja | Jinja, Box 1374
Plot 1, 7th Streetindustrial Area Kampala | Kampala, Box 2109
Pioneer Building Rm. 12plot 28, Jinja Road Kampala | Kampala, Box 4003
Uca Buildingplot 47/49, Nkrumah Road Kampala | Kampala, Box 2410
Plot 73kibira Road Kampala | Kampala, Box 2114
Entebbe Int. Airport, P.O. Box 983. | CAA, ENHAS, LIDO BEACH | Kampala, Entebbe, 983, EBB
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