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Diagnostic Center Teikyo

Brouwersweg 100 | 6216 EG, Maastricht
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Meer informatie van Diagnostic Center Teikyo

DC|Teikyo is a choice for quality by specific treatment and an efficient approach of the researches we offer for Japanese people. You can get help for diabetes, blood sickness, osteoporosis, cancer, etc. When these sicknesses are discovered within an early stage, they can be treated well. Moreover you can visit the centre for regular check-ups (once a year).

If you choose to live abroad, your way of life will change; not only physically, but also mentally. Our specialized employees are well-known, for example that Japaneses get flatulence cancer more often compared to other nationalities.

That is the main reason why we have several check-ups, for instance physical research and blood investigation. We also do research into physical deviations. Our employees also work in the Atrium hospital. If further research is necessary, you can be referred to the Atrium hospital. Some researches are not standard in check-up courses, but can be added if required.

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Laatste wijziging: 2024-04-20 05:30:36

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