今なら一時金を進呈! ビジネスを追加する

Kokubu Shokai Co.,ltd

2643-1, Magechi, Kumagaya, Saitama | Magechi | Kumagaya

連絡先のKokubu Shokai Co.,ltd

情報 Kokubu Shokai Co.,ltd

With the recycling tasks of industrial waste disposal being in keen focus, KKB is also trading used tires and casing tires through our trading department. Recycled tires for better economy and resource saving have already been in wide use in the US and in Europe. As a specialist tire trading company, KKB is addressing such needs of customers inside and outside Japan by offering used tires and casing tires to some 20 countries of the world including the Us, Europe and Asia as well as Australia and the Middle East.

Tire Tube, Flaps, Rim, Used Car&Construction Machine, Used Bike, Rubber Recycle Materials

New/Used, Size PC / LT / TB /OTR.

New/Used Tire (PC / LT / TB OTR),Tube, Flap, Rim.

住所や電話での Kokubu Shokai Co.,ltd Kumagaya

最終更新: 2017-10-08 13:13:43

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