とろさば料理専門店 SABAR GEMSなんば店


Reliable Home Solutions 757

At Reliable Home Solutions we’re passionate about making you feel as we only have one customer and that is you. We will continue to pursue the best materials and industry techniques that keep our customers happy and coming back for all their home solutions!!! Give us call and let us…

Michele Deutsch Miller Howard Hanna Real estate

Michele Deutsch Miller comes to Howard Hanna with 20+ years’ experience in buying and selling Residential Real Estate. In that time she has renovated homes for herself and other clients. She has not only done the creative design work but also manages the entire process from start to finish. This…

Matt's Lawn Maintenance

Matt's Lawn Maintenance is your go-to for expert lawn care services. With a dedication to quality and customer satisfaction, we ensure your lawn looks its best year-round. Trust us for all your lawn maintenance needs.

Sticklers cafe

Our concept is refreshing and tasty. We’re a quick-service restaurant serving warm and toasty deli sandwiches, made-to-order salads, hearty soups, a variety of sides, shakes, malts, smoothies, and gourmet coffees. Casual breakfast offerings are available in the morning to start your day. We offer top-quality food while maintaining a comfortable…

Braver Law PLLC | Mesothelioma & Asbestos Exposure Law Firm

Braver Law is committed to winning justice for our clients. We possess that rare combination of sophisticated legal skill and general fearlessness necessary to take on the world’s most powerful corporations. Attorney Daniel Braverman has been a lifelong advocate for justice. Prior to attending Harvard Law School, Attorney Braverman founded…

John Goan Big Sky Real Estate

John Goan Big Sky Real Estate in Big Sky, Montana, provides all the real estate services you need. Our real estate agent specializes in property listings for resorts, ranches, second homes, and lands. The local area features luxurious resorts, including Big Sky Resort, Moonlight Basin, Spanish Peaks, and The Yellowstone…
とろさば料理専門店 SABAR GEMSなんば店
難波3-7-19 | 大阪市中央区, 542-0076

情報 とろさば料理専門店 SABAR GEMSなんば店

【全席個室の日本酒サバ屋敷!なんばで海鮮を味わうならSABARへ!】なんば駅から徒歩1分!とろさば料理を楽しめる居酒屋です。お口の中でとろける食感と、深い味わい。栄養価の高いサバの中でも選りすぐりのエリートが「とろさば」です。SABARのコンセプトは『まだ出会ったことのない"とろさば"との出会いの場』私たちは、多くのお客様にとろさばを知って頂きたいと考えています。そんな最上級のとろさばをSABARなんば店では味わう事ができます。サバの効能や、効果的な食べ合わせを考慮した豊富なメニューをご用意!人気メニューは「とろさばお刺身4種盛り合わせ」とろさばのお造り,とろしめさば,とろさば漬け,とろさば薫製,SABAR自慢のとろさばづくし4種盛り。お造りで迷ったら、コレ!コースメニューは鯖尽くしのコースが盛りだくさん!2時間・3時間飲み放題付きコースプランがございます日本酒やビール、ハイボールなどサバに良く合うお酒を多数ご用意!SABAR限定の「鯖宮城 純米大吟醸」はシャープな切れ味と優しい香り!お刺身やしめさばと良く合い、よりさばを楽しく美味しく召し上って頂けます。SABARなんば店は全席個室なので、プライベート利用にピッタリ!飲み会やデートにご利用頂けます。またSABARのおみやげ寿司として「とろさば棒寿司」や「焼きさば寿司」のテイクアウトもご用意!テレビ、雑誌で話題の棒寿司です。軽く炙ることにより、香ばしく脂がのったとろさばのとろける食感をお楽しみ下さい。 「遊び心とサバ愛のあふれた空間」「真心こめたとろさば料理」でお客様のご来店をお待ちしております。

住所や電話での とろさば料理専門店 SABAR GEMSなんば店 大阪市中央区

最終更新: 2023-11-11 23:10:52

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