

Walked Performance LLC

Walked Performance LLC is your trusted destination for automotive repair in El Cajon, CA. With years of experience, we pride ourselves on delivering excellent work backed by outstanding customer service. Our passion for automotive care ensures your vehicle is in the best hands. From high-performance tuning to expert diagnostics and…

Röhlig Logistics

Röhlig Logistics offers worldwide logistics solutions including Sea Freight, Air Freight and Contract Logistics. The family-owned company was founded in 1852 in Bremen, Germany. Today, it employs over 2,700 staff members in more than 35 countries. Whether you're looking to ship cargo regularly or need help with a specialist shipment,…

Back 30 Outfitters

We are a small family operating a big game hunting outfit in Idaho. Joey and Rosa have been in this industry for several years, and were both raised in the outdoors. Joey has grown up hunting and has guided for the biggest hunting outfit in Idaho, nearly year round for…

Adamson Law, PLLC

Facing injury or loss due to others' negligence is a difficult battle, but it's not one you have to face alone. For over 16 years, Attorney Adam Adamson has been helping the people of Kentucky get the justice and compensation they deserve. Our office is located in the heart of…

Karin Farley Realtor

I specialize in guiding clients through every stage of their real estate journey. From strategic pricing and effective marketing to skilled negotiation and smooth closings, I am committed to achieving the best results for my clients.
青葉区みたけ台23-4 | 横浜市, 227-0047

情報 おたからやみたけ台店

"神奈川県横浜市青葉区で金買取・ダイヤ買取・ブランドバッグ買取・ブランド時計買取なら、買取専門店おたからやみたけ台店です。 東急バス 青01に乗車していただき、みたけ台小学校第二を降りて直進です。青葉台駅からバスで10分。 金・ダイヤモンド・ブランドバッグ・ブランド時計はもちろんブランドジュエリー、切手、着物、記念硬貨、古銭、テレカ、絵画、骨董品、楽器など様々な買取査定ができます。買取品目の多さが自慢です。査定だけでも大歓迎。 査定料・出張査定料・手数料全て無料です。 ジュエリー買取、宝石買取(ダイヤ買取、エメラルド、ルビー、サファイア、サンゴ、オパール、真珠)貴金属買取(金買取、地金買取、プラチナ、シルバー、パラジウム、指輪、ブレスレット、ネックレス、ピアス、アクセサリー、喜平)ブランド品買取(エルメス買取、ルイ・ヴィトン、シャネル、プラダ、グッチ)時計買取(ロレックス買取、オメガ、ブランドジュエリー買取(カルティエ、ブルガリ、ティファニー、ハリーウィンストン)金券・商品券買取、切手買取(普通切手、記念切手、中国切手)金貨買取(メイプルリーフ金貨、ウィーン金貨)、ライター買取、カメラ買取します。 店頭買取・出張買取からお客様にあう買取方法を選べます。
古物商番号 第 451400008444 号

住所や電話での おたからやみたけ台店 横浜市

最終更新: 2021-09-16 10:14:37

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