FreshStop at Caltex La Roche

Seattle Coffee Company - Standard Bank ATM - Aramex
La Roche Drive

FreshStop at Caltex George Motors

LavAzza Coffee - FNB ATM - Standard Bank ATM
Libertas St

FreshStop at Caltex Hunters Retreat

LavAzza Coffee - Aramex - GloCell
Cape Road

FreshStop at Caltex William Moffett

Seattle coffee - Aramex - GloCell
William Moffett Expressway

FreshStop at Caltex Greenbushes

LavAzza - Crispy Chicken - Restrooms
1 Old Cape Road

FreshStop at Caltex PE Convenience

Seattle coffee - Crispy Chicken - Hooked on fish and chips
Saint George Street

FreshStop at Caltex Westering

Crispy chicken - Restrooms - UCount rewards card
513 Cape Road

FreshStop at Caltex Tobys

UCount rewards - Seattle Coffee Co. - Aramex
Main Rd

FreshStop at Caltex Centenary

Seattle Coffee Company - Crispy Chicken - Grill to Go Burger
Circular Drive

FreshStop at Caltex Hobie Beach

Seattle Coffee Co. - Crispy Chicken - restrooms
1 Marine Drive

FreshStop at Caltex Perseverance

House of Coffee - Crispy Chicken - Grill To Go
9 Kurland Road