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Watch Replacement

62 W 47th St, suite #207ACD | New York City, NY, 10036

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Watch batteries these days are great! They can keep your watch ticking a long time. But, like all batteries, they eventually run out of juice, and need to be changed. And waiting too long to replace a dead or slowing battery is a big mistake, since dead batteries can end up causing problems to the movement, and can potentially leak over time. Once you notice a weakening battery, send it to us immediately. Don’t wait until it’s completely dead.

When we replace your battery, we know that it needs just as much care as other more specialized repairs. At Watch Repair & Co., we have everything you need to get the job done right. We don’t just replace the batteries like other places, but we can repair, maintain, and do routine check-ups at the same time to make sure your watch keeps running at top-of-the-line quality for years to come.

Swapping out old batteries for new ones is something that's relatively easy in most modern appliances. But changing the battery in a watch is a lot more complicated than replacing the AA’s in your TV remote. It takes a trained professional to do it right.

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Last update: 2020-01-01 15:14:03


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