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Reno Diagnostic Centers

625 Sierra Rose Dr | Reno, NV, 89511
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More information about Reno Diagnostic Centers

Reno Diagnostic Centers are state of the art fully licensed Radiology Centers. Each facility is not only licensed by the State of Nevada, but is also nationally accredited. At Reno Diagnostic Centers, we believe that there is more to advanced medical imaging than simply providing services to patients. For one, it means providing our patients with the highest level of dignity and respect. It also means that our patients, referring physicians, and insurance companies should receive the most comprehensive medical imaging technology, the highest level of professional expertise in the industry, and the best patient care available. After all, what good is having all of this high-tech imaging equipment without also providing superior care? Since 1985, Northern Nevadans have put their trust in Reno Diagnostic Centers. We continue to be committed to earning that trust every day. We understand that you have a choice in medical imaging. We want to be your choice.

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Last update: 2018-03-02 18:29:09


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